It's a brand new year, and if one of your resolutions was to live a more creative life, come join us at Two Rivers Printmaking Studio! New classes have already been scheduled for this winter and there are many more to follow as 2016 progresses. Keep checking our "Workshops" page to see what is coming up, or sign up for automatic emails when new classes are offered. Many fill quickly, so this is the best way to stay up to date! Most of our classes involve non-toxic forms of printmaking, and some can be done at home without a press.
Just a word of warning though, printmaking can be very addicting! I had only made one linoleum block print back in high school before I took a collagraph class at TRPS. I had gone to art school and owned an art gallery, but I knew next to nothing about printmaking, and certainly had no idea what a collagraph was before I signed up for the workshop. But I liked the fact that it was low-tech and involved use of non-toxic materials like mat-board and acrylic gel to make a plate. It only took one weekend workshop to hook me for life! I love that hand-pulled prints can be either traditional edition work or unique pieces that cannot be replicated.
If you are a practicing artist in another discipline, one of our workshops could push you into new avenues of expression. Who knows where that could lead?
Isn't it time to find out?