Relief print by Sheri Hancock

Upcoming Exhibition

Sheri Hancock


March 7 - April 30

Artists RECEPTION: April 4, 5 PM - 7 PM

during White River Junction’s first FRIDAY events

Gallery Hours: Tues - Fri, 11 - 2, and by chance or appointment. Email:

Woodcut print by Sheri Hancock

Sheri Hancock is an accomplished artist and graphic designer who has exhibited her work in multiple group and solo shows throughout her thirty year career. Born and raised in Nova Scotia, she grew up in a family of artists and went on to receive undergraduate degrees from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design University and a Master of Art from the University of Iowa. She is a skilled printmaker and teacher and for eighteen years managed the Two Rivers Printmaking Studio in Vermont. Her work can be found in numerous public and private collections. At present she works from her home studio in Wolfville, Nova Scotia.

Sheri will offer a one-day Solarplate workshop at TRPS on Sunday, April 6, 10 - 4. More info aND register here.

Sheri Hancock and Sue Schiller

All levels and interests!